Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm back!

Hi everyone,
I have missed a few weeks of blogging as I had to switch to a new system. I had to leave it to my very able webmistress to sort it out. I am not really a technophobe
(well not totatlly) but I find the time it takes to fix things is too valuable. I have to outsource a lot of things these days in order to keep ahead of a busy schedule. I find it is a much better way of handling things rather than get stressed and pushed for time. It is hard enough as a working woman, right?
On the writing front I am awaiting some revisions on Book Three of my trilogy. It's been a great exercise and I will definitely do it again some time in the future. For now I am working on a medical so that is fun. I am working at my new office which is brilliant as it is so quiet. I miss the dogs however but I think I will bring them in with me now and again.
Autumn is well and truly here in Hobart, and in fact we had a taste of winter earlier in the week. It was quite a shock after a lovely long hot summer. I love winter though as I get most of my work done in the colder months. It drives me indoors and it is such a nice working environment when it's rainy and cold outside and I am snug and warm inside.
Have a great week!


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